MPhil thesis of Nathaniel Vilas: 'Laser Cooling Towards a Dipolar Quantum Gas of Erbium Atoms'.
1st year report of Milan Krstajic: 'Erbium BEC in an Optical Box Potential'.
1st year report of Péter Juhász: 'Optical Trapping and Transport of Ultracold Erbium Atoms'.
MSc thesis of Gloria Clausen: 'Generation of Bragg Spectroscopy Potentials with a DMD'.
1st year report of Lucas Hofer: 'Design and Construction of a Dual Erbium-Potassium Experiment'.
PhD thesis of Milan Krstajic: 'Experimental Platform for a Box-Trapped Dipolar Quantum Gas'.
1st year report of Jiri Kucera: 'Dual Species Er-K Experiment for the Study of Impurities in a Dipolar Quantum Gas'.
1st year report of Gavin Lamb: 'Toward an ultracold mixture of Er and K'.
DPhil thesis of Péter Juhász: 'Production and Characterisation of Dipolar Bose–Einstein Condensates'.